Last Updated: March 18, 2021
Wonder Woman Event Normal Quests image

Wonder Woman Event Normal Quests

Here's a list of all the normal quests in the Wonder Woman event!

January 4th, 2021

The primary activity in Wonder Woman: The Themyscira Experience is completing quests. Below you'll find a list of all the normal quests, how to complete them, and what the rewards will be, followed by a list of all notable npcs you will need to find in order to complete various quests.

There are also Special Quests and Mini Games, from which you can earn even more rewards, as well as an article on How to Get Gold Coins Quickly in the Wonder Woman Event.

Click Here for other info on this event, including items, shops, locations, and more!

Quick Jump List

Notable NPCs

Amazon Obby Challenge Parts 01, 02, and 03

Amazon Obby Challenge Parts 01, 02, and 03 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course in under 30 minutes
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Amazon Obstacle Portal quest, and talking to Xira again, talk to the NPC named Xera next to the Obby Challenge Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Obby Challenge Mini Game portal and complete the obstacle course in under 30 minutes.
  3. After completing the obstacle course in under 30 minutes, once you leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course in under 25 minutes
Reward: 500 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Amazon Obby Challenge Part 01, talk to the NPC named Xera again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Amazon Obby Challenge Part 01 quest, except this time complete it in under 25 minutes.
  3. Once you enter the portal on the other side of the obstacle course in less than 25 minutes you will leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game and you will have completed the quest.

Part 03
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course in under 15 minutes
Reward: 1,000 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Amazon Obby Challenge Part 02, talk to the NPC named Xera again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Amazon Obby Challenge Part 01 quest, except this time complete it in under 25 minutes.
  3. Once you enter the portal on the other side of the obstacle course in less than 15 minutes you will leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game and you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are possibly more parts to this quest involving completing obstacle course even faster and earning even more rewards!

Amazon Obby Parts 01, 02, and 03

Amazon Obby Parts 01, 02, and 03 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course!
Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Amazon Obstacle Portal quest, talk to the NPC named Xira next to the Obby Challenge Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Obby Challenge Mini Game portal and complete the obstacle course.
  3. Once you enter the portal on the other side of the obstacle course you will leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game and you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course 3 times
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Amazon Obby Part 01, talk to the NPC named Xira again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time complete the course 3 times.
  3. Once you enter the portal on the other side of the obstacle course for the 3rd time you will leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game and you will have completed the quest.

Part 03
Description: Complete the Amazon Obstacle Course 5 times
Reward: 500 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Amazon Obby Part 02, talk to the NPC named Xira again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time complete the course 5 times.
  3. Once you enter the portal on the other side of the obstacle course for the 5th time you will leave the Obby Challenge Mini Game and you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are possibly more parts to this quest, including a repeatable quest, involving completing the obstacle course even more times and earning even more rewards!

Amazon Warrior Camp

Amazon Warrior Camp image

Description: Find The Amazon Warrior Camp

Reward: 20 Gold Coins

Note: This is the exact same location as the Hidden Beach. Upon completing this quest, you will also complete the Hidden Beach quest.


  1. Find the Amazon Warrior Camp at the bottom of the tallest waterfall. One way to do this is by completing all the steps in the Waterfall Jump quest, after which you will land right next to the Amazon Warrior Camp.
  2. Swim to the surface behind the waterfall and there you will find the camp. Once you step on land the quest will be complete.

Break This Wall

Break This Wall image

Description: Destroy the rock wall

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the Amazon Guard 1 NPC in the Amazon Warrior Camp and hit Accept.
  2. Pick up the big cube to the Amazon Guard’s right.
  3. Throw the cube at the rock wall where the color is different than the rest of the wall.
  4. Once you successfully break the wall with the cube the quest will be complete.

Bunker Fight Challenge Parts 01 and 02

Bunker Fight Challenge Parts 01 and 02 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Defeat the Cheetah in under 4 minutes
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Bunker Fight quest and talking to Myr again, talk to the NPC named Rine and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Bunker Fight Mini Game portal and complete defeat the Cheetah in under 4 minutes.
  3. Once you've defeated the Cheetah in under 4 minutes and leave the Bunker Fight Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Defeat the Cheetah in under 3:45 minutes
Reward: 500 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Bunker Fight Challenge Part 01, talk to the NPC named Rine again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time defeat the Cheetah in under 3:45 minutes.
  3. Once you've defeated the Cheetah in under 3:45 minutes and leave the Bunker Fight Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are definitely more parts to this quest involving defeating the Cheetah in even less time and earning even more rewards!

Bunker Fight 01 and 02

Bunker Fight 01 and 02 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Defeat the Cheetah 1 time!
Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Bunker Fight quest, Myr again and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Bunker Fight Mini Game portal and complete defeat the Cheetah at least 1 time.
  3. Once you've defeated the Cheetah at least once and leave the Bunker Fight Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Defeat the Cheetah 3 times
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Bunker Fight Part 01, talk to the NPC named Myr again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Bunker Fight Part 01 quest, except this time defeat the Cheetah three more times.
  3. Once you've defeated the Cheetah three times and leave the Bunker Fight Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are definitely more parts to this quest involving defeating the Cheetah even more times and earning even more rewards!

Corrupted Rats Parts 1, 2, and 3

Corrupted Rats Parts 1, 2, and 3 image

Note: This quest involves a special item. Find more detailed information on all the special items and the quests to get them on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Find the warrior Aella, who is close to the main temple

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. This quest requires the Sword so the first step is to complete the Get Sword Parts 1, 2, and 3 quest line.
  2. Once you have the sword, find the NPC named Aella outside behind the Council Temple.
  3. Talk to Aella and hit Accept and the quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Kill 5 Corrupted Rats

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Find rats in various places throughout the island, including right next to the NPC Aella.
  2. Kill the rats by running into them after having acquired the sword.
  3. Once you kill 5 rats, the quest will be complete.

Part 3
Description: Kill 10 Corrupted Rats

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Corrupted Rats Parts 1 and 2, talk to Aella again.
  2. Follow the same steps as in Parts 2, except this time you must kill 10 rats.
  3. Once you kill 10 rats, the quest will be complete. Note: Completing this quest line will also open up the repeatable quest, Kill More Corrupted Rats. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Corrupted Eels Parts 1, 2, and 3

Corrupted Eels Parts 1, 2, and 3 image

Note: This quest involves a special item. Find more detailed information on all the special items and the quests to get them on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Search the beaches for warrior Serlus

Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Get Spear Parts 1, 2, and 3, find the NPC named Serlus at the far end of the huge beach where you completed the Play Amazon Beach Game quest.
  2. Once you get close to her, the quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Kill 5 Corrupted Eels

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Get Spear Parts 1, 2, and 3, talk to NPC named Serlus and hit Accept.
  2. Jump in the water right behind Serlus. (Notice this is the same water where you earlier found the Underwater Ingots for Get Spear Part 2 quest.)
  3. There are plenty of eels swimming around here. They are long. black shapes with red eyes. Fight them by swimming into them.
  4. Once you kill 5 ills the quest will be complete. Note: This area also has a lot of pearls at the ocean floor so it can be a good idea to set up the Pearls of Atlantis quest first and do them both together.

Part 3
Description: Kill 10 Corrupted Eels

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Kill Corrupted Eels Parts 1 and 2, talk to NPC named Serlus again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same steps as in Parts 2, except this time kill 10 Corrupted Eels.
  3. Once you kill 10 eels, the quest will be complete and you will gain access to the repeatable quest, Corrupted Eels Part 4. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Discover Council Temple

Discover Council Temple image

Description: Walk to the Council Temple

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. From the entrance of the game, walk straight and enter the large temple (this is the Council Temple).
  2. Once you’ve explored the temple this quest will complete.

Discover the Oracles Temple

Discover the Oracles Temple image

Description: Walk to the Oracle’s Tower

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. From the Council Temple, take the exit to the right.
  2. Go up the stairs toward the left, then continue up several staircases to the right until you reach a long pathway that leads to the Oracles Temple.
  3. This quest will automatically complete when you enter the Oracles Temple.

Food Fight Challenge Parts 01-04

Food Fight Challenge Parts 01-04 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Hit 5 enemies with food
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Food Fight Portal quest and talking to Trina again, talk to the NPC named Stacey next to the Food Fight Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Food Fight Mini Game portal and participate in food fights until you've hit an enemy with food 5 times.
  3. After you've hit an enemy at least 5 times, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Hit 20 enemies with food
Reward: 300 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Food Fight Challenge Part 01, talk to the NPC named Stacey again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time hit enemies 20 times.
  3. After you've hit an enemy at least 20 times, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 03
Description: Hit 50 enemies with food
Reward: 1,000 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Food Fight Challenge Part 02, talk to the NPC named Stacey again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time hit enemies 50 times.
  3. After you've hit an enemy at least 50 times, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 04
Description: Hit 100 enemies with food
Reward: 5,000 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Food Fight Challenge Part 03, talk to the NPC named Stacey again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time hit enemies 100 times.
  3. After you've hit an enemy at least 100 times, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Food Fight Parts 01, 02, and 03

Food Fight Parts 01, 02, and 03 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Play the Food Fight Minigame!
Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Food Fight Portal quest, talk to the NPC named Trina next to the Food Fight Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Food Fight Mini Game portal and participate in a food fight!
  3. After finishing a game, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Play the Food Fight Minigame 3 times
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Food Fight Part 01, talk to the NPC named Trina again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Food Fight Part 01 quest, except this time play 3 games.
  3. After playing 3 new games, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 03
Description: Play the Food Fight Minigame 5 times
Reward: 500 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Food Fight Parts 01 and 02, talk to the NPC named Trina again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Food Fight Part 01 quest, except this time play 5 games.
  3. After playing 5 new games, once you leave the Food Fight Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.
  4. Once complete this quest you will gain access to the repeatable quest, Food Fight Part 4. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Gems of Themyscira Parts 1, 2, and 3

Gems of Themyscira Parts 1, 2, and 3 image

Note: This quest involves a special item. Find more detailed information on all the special items and the quests to get them on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Talk to Eoboea

Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Get Pickaxe Parts 1, 2, and 3, find the NPC named Euboea in the Armory.
  2. Once you go near Euboea, the quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Mine 5 Gems

Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Get Pickaxe Parts 1, 2, and 3, talk NPC named Euboea in the Armory and hit Accept.
  2. Find blue gems in various places throughout the Armory.
  3. Mine the gems by walking up to them. The gems will respawn fairly frequently.
  4. Once you mine 5 gems, the quest will be complete.

Part 3
Description: Mine 10 Gems

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Gems of Themyscira Parts 1 and 2, talk to Euboea again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 2, except this time you will have to mine 10 gems.
  3. Once you mine 10 gems, the quest will be complete and you will gain access to the repeatable quest, Gems of Themyscira Part 4. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Go Camping

Go Camping image

Description: Light fire, sit on the log, sleep in the tent

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the NPC named Egeria in the Amazon Warrior Camp and hit Accept.
  2. Sit on a log by the fire.
  3. While sitting, turn the fire off then back on.
  4. Next go sleep in one of the tents by walking into it.
  5. When you have completed these tasks the quest will be complete.

Hidden Beach

Hidden Beach image

Description: Find the Secret Beach

Reward: 20 Gold Coins

Note: This is the exact same location as the Amazon Warrior Camp. Upon completing this quest, you will also complete the Amazon Warrior Camp quest.


  1. Find the Hidden Beach at the bottom of the tallest waterfall (this is the same location as the Amazon Warrior Camp). One way to do this is by completing all the steps in the Waterfall Jump quest, after which you will land right next to the Hidden Beach.
  2. Swim to the surface behind the waterfall and there you will find the camp. Once you step on land the quest will be complete.

Lost Amulet

Lost Amulet image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Find the Lost Amulet

Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the NPC named Menalippe in the cave at the Amazon Warrior Camp and hit Accept.
  2. From the Council Temple, exit to the left and head up the stairs.
  3. Go up 3 more sets of staircases, keeping to the left.
  4. In the far corner toward the waterfall and next to the wall you will find the amulet on the ground.

Lost McGuffin

Lost McGuffin image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Collect the Magic McGuffin

Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing the Open the Secret Door quest, enter the cave that you revealed.
  2. Complete two more similar puzzles, the second of which is slightly tricky--You have to figure out a way to use the extra cubes to help you reach the tile hidden on a ledge in the corner.
  3. Once you open the final door you will find the NPC named Callineira. Speak to her and hit Accept.
  4. From the Council Temple, exit to the right and head partway up the stairs on the left.
  5. Jump over the railing to the right toward a round gazebo structure.
  6. Go in the structure and head toward the rock wall where you will see a small harp (as seen in the picture above). That’s the McGuffin. Once you get it, the quest will be complete.

Lost Treasures Parts 1, 2, and 3

Lost Treasures Parts 1, 2, and 3 image

Note: This quest involves a special item. Find more detailed information on all the special items and the quests to get them on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Speak to Amazon Explorer Solla

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Get Shovel Parts 1, 2, amd 3 and collecting the Shovel from your quests menu, approach the NPC named Solla (Note: If you have just completed Get Shovel Parts 1, 2, amd 3, you may need to walk away from Solla and walk back up to her in order to trigger this quest).
  2. Once you walk up to Solla this quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Dig 1 Buried Treasure

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Lost Treasures Part 1, talk to Solla and hit Accept.
  2. Find a red X on the ground (like the one seen under the treasure box in the above picture) and dig there by walking up to it. Hint: If you run up the stairs from where Solla is and continue straight across the way and down the stairs on the other side, you will often find a red X in the grassy areas there. If there are too many people camping there, another good place to try is on the mountain after climbing up the green vines. Note: The treasures for this quest do not respawn very frequently so one way to do this somewhat painlessly is to zoom all the way out and get a bird's eye view so that you can see as much of the area as possible (see an example in the Lost Treasures section of the How to Get Cold Coins Quickly article). Then just wait around until you see a red X appear and hope you can run to it before someone else does!
  3. Once you dig up one buried treasure, the quest will be complete.

Part 3
Description: Dig 5 Buried Treasures

Reward: 250 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Lost Treasures Part 2, talk to Solla and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 2, except this time you will have to dig up 5 buried treasures. 3. Once you dig up 5 treasures, the quest will be complete. Go back and talk to Solla and Accept the repeatable quest, Lost Treasures Part 4. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Max Lord Challenge Parts 01 and 02

Max Lord Challenge Parts 01 and 02 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Win the Max Lord Minigame!
Reward: 300 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the NPC named Axos next to the Max Lord Chase Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Max Lord Chase Mini Game portal and participate in a food fight!
  3. After finishing a game, once you leave the Max Lord Chase Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Win the Max Lord Minigame 5 times
Reward: 750 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Max Lord Challenge Part 01, talk to the NPC named Axos again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Max Lord Challenge Part 01 quest, except this time play 3 games.
  3. After winning 5 times, once you leave the Max Lord Chase Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are likely more parts to this quest involving winning the game even more times and earning even more rewards!

Max Lord Parts 01, 02, and 03

Max Lord Parts 01, 02, and 03 image

Note: This quest involves a Mini Game. Find more detailed information on all the mini games on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 01
Description: Play the Max Lord Minigame!
Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the NPC named Exos next to the Max Lord Chase Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Enter the Max Lord Chase Mini Game portal and participate in a food fight!
  3. After finishing a game, once you leave the Max Lord Chase Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 02
Description: Play the Max Lord Minigame 3 times
Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Max Lord Part 01, talk to the NPC named Exos again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 01, except this time play 3 games.
  3. After playing 3 new games, once you leave the Max Lord Chase Mini Game you will have completed the quest.

Part 03
Description: Play the Max Lord Minigame 5 times
Reward: 500 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Max Lord Part 02, talk to the NPC named Exos again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for the Max Lord Part 01 quest, except this time play 5 games.
  3. After playing 5 new games, once you leave the Max Lord Chase Mini Game, you will have completed the quest.

Note: There are possibly more parts to this quest, including a repeatable quest, involving playing the game even more times and earning even more rewards! For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Might Cyrstals Parts 01, 02, and 03

Might Cyrstals Parts 01, 02, and 03 image

Note: This quest involves a special item. Find more detailed information on all the special items and the quests to get them on the Special Quests and Mini Games page. You can also find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Talk to Mountain Miner Alekto

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Upgrade Pickaxe Parts 01, 02, and 03 and upgrading the Pickaxe from your quests menu, approach the NPC named Alekto.
  2. Once you walk up to Alekto the quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Mine 5 Crystals

Reward: 100 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Mighty Crystals Part 01, talk to Alekto and hit Accept.
  2. Climb up the vines and mine the blue crystals by walking up to them. These crystals regenerate pretty quickly so you will most likely be able to mine all the crystals you want all from the first platform. However, if you'd rather move around more ou will find these crystals all over the mountain.
  3. Once you mine 5 crystals, the quest will be complete.

Part 3
Description: Mine 10 Crystals

Reward: 200 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Mighty Crystals Part 02, talk to Alekto and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 02, except this time you will have to mine 10 crystals.
  3. Once you mine 10 crystals, the quest will be complete and you will gain access to the repeatable quest, Mighty Crystals Part 04. For more info on repeatable quests check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Mountain Top

Mountain Top image

Description: Climb Themyscira’s Highest peak

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Starting at the Council Temple, take the exit to the right.
  2. Go up the stairs to the left, then continue up several flights of stairs until you reach a level with a large statue, a waterfall, and a rock wall on one side.
  3. When facing the rock wall, locate the green vines to the right.
  4. Climb up three sets of vines.
  5. After climbing the third set of vines, head to the top of the rocks where you’ll find a blue dot that bounces you to a nearby hilltop.
  6. Continue uphill from there until the quest alerts you that it is completed.

Open the Amazon Obstacle Portal

Open the Amazon Obstacle Portal image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Talk with Xira to open the portal to Amazon Obstacle
Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. Go to the Obby Challenge Mini Game which is located behind the Council Temple, up the stairs on the right side.
  2. Talk to the NPC named Xira and the quest will be complete.

Open the Bunker Fight

Open the Bunker Fight image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Talk with Myr to open the portal to Bunker Fight
Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. Go to the Bunker Fight Mini Game, which is located to the left of the entrance to the Oracles Temple.
  2. Talk to the NPC named Myr and the quest will be complete.

Open the Food Fight Portal

Open the Food Fight Portal image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Talk with Trina to open the portal to Food Fight
Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. Go to the Food Fight Mini Game which is located behind the Council Temple, up the stairs on the left side, then up another set of stairs slightly to the right.
  2. Talk to the NPC named Trina and the quest will be complete.

Open the Max Lord Chase Portal

Open the Max Lord Chase Portal image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Open the portal to Max Lord Chase
Reward: 10 Gold Coins


  1. Go to the Max Lord Chase Mini Game, which is located to the right of the entrance to the Oracles Temple.
  2. Talk to the NPC named Exos and the quest will be complete.

Open Portal Armory

Open Portal Armory image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Enter portal

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. After entering the Armory, turn left.
  2. You will see a portal with an NPC named Hessia standing next to it. Talk to Hessia.
  3. After talking to Hessia the portal will be open. Walk through it to teleport back to the Council Temple and the quest will be complete.

Open Portal Oracle

Open Portal Oracle image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Enter the portal in Oracles Temple

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. After entering the Oracles Temple, turn left.
  2. You will see a portal with an NPC named Philippus standing next to it. Talk to Philippus.
  3. After talking to Philippus the portal will be open. Walk through it to teleport back to the Council Temple and the quest will be complete.

Open the Secret Door

Open the Secret Door image

Description: Unlock the secret door

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Talk to the Amazon Guard to the left of the Food Fight Mini Game and hit Accept.
  2. Place the two cubes on the two round tiles on the floor nearby, as seen in the picture above.
  3. Once the cubes are properly placed, the quest will be complete.

Pearls of Atlantis Parts 1 and 2

Pearls of Atlantis Parts 1 and 2 image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Part 1
Description: Collect 5 Pearls

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Talk NPC named Acantha outside the Oracles Temple and hit Accept.
  2. You can find pearls throughout the ocean floors of the island, but there are some nearby if you jump off the ledge Acantha is standing next to and swim to the right toward the grass and colorful corals.
  3. Swim around, especially in the grassy areas to find clamshells with pearls in them. Another place with lots of them is the water next to the Amazon Warrior Camp.
  4. Once you’ve found 5 pearls the quest will be complete.

Part 2
Description: Collect 10 Pearls

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. After completing Pearls of Atlantis Part 1, talk to Acantha again and hit Accept.
  2. Follow the same instructions as for Part 1, except this time find 10 pearls.
  3. Once you find 10 pearls the quest will be complete and you will gain access to the repeatable quest, Pearls of Atlantis Part 3. For more info on repeatable quests, check out the Special Quests and Mini Games page.

Play Amazon Beach Game

Play Amazon Beach Game image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Find the golden ball and kick it ten times

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. From the entrance of the Council Temple, instead of entering head left around the outside of the island. You will eventually head down a staircase leading to a large beach with a big, glowing golden ball.
  2. Talk to the NPC there named Epione and hit Accept.
  3. Kick the golden ball and kick it ten times and the quest will be complete.

Sail the Seas

Sail the Seas image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Complete a boat ride

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Take the exit on the right out of the Council Temple
  2. Run straight ahead, to the right, and down the stairs where you’ll find a ship
  3. Talk to the NPC named Farunka and hit Accept. This will complete the quest.

Top of The World

Top of The World image

Description: Reach the highest point in Themyscira

Reward: 20 Gold Coins


  1. Make your way up to the top of the mountain on the island (if you're not sure where that is, you can find it by completing all the steps in the Mountain Top quest).
  2. From there run forward until you see a saucer slowly moving up and down.
  3. Step on the saucer and stay there as it ascends. When it reaches its highest point the quest will be complete.

Waterfall Jump

Waterfall Jump image

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.

Description: Leap from the highest waterfall

Reward: 50 Gold Coins


  1. In the Council Temple, talk to the NPC named Mnemosyne. She will trigger the quest to be added to your quests menu.
  2. Make your way up to the statue at the highest point on the island (if you're not sure where that is, you can find it by completing all the steps in the Top of the World quest).
  3. From there continue past the right foot of the giant statue, careful not to fall off.
  4. Run through the grassy hills until you rich a river and run to the end of that until you reach the waterfall.
  5. Jump of the waterfall and the quest will be complete.

Notable NPCs

Here you'll find a list of all the NPCs you'll need to find in order to complete various quests, where to find them, along with which quests each NPC is a part of.

Note: Find a list of all the main locations, along with other basic info including shops and items on the main event page.


Location: From the Oracles Temple, head left and she is standing on a ledge.



Location: When exiting out the back of the Council Temple on the left side, head up the flight of stairs. Then take a sharp left and go back down another flight of stairs and you'll see Aella near some pillars.



Location: At the base of the part of the mountain that has vines to climb up, to the right of the waterfall.


Amazon Guard 1

Location: Standing to the left of the tents in the Amazon Warrior Camp.


Amazon Guard 2

Location: Outside, behind the Council Temple, to the left of the Food Fight Mini Game.



Location: In the Armory, across the bridge located near Artemis.



Location: In the Armory, to the right after entering.



Location: To the right of the Max Lord Chase Mini Game.


  • Max Lord Challenge Parts 01 and 02 - 1,050 GC Total, Complete in Max Lord Chase Mini Game


Location: In cave opened by completing the Open the Secret Door quest. Then two more doors must be opened in a similar fashion, the second of which has the switch tile hidden up on a ledge in the corner.



Location: From the entrance of the Armory, notice an opening in the pillars straight ahead and slightly to the left. Follow that pathway until it leads to a set of stairs, which leads to a platform where you'll find Dilia.



Location: Standing to the right of the tents in the Amazon Warrior Camp.



Location: In the entrance area of the Armory, straight ahead from the stairs.



Location: On the large beach to the left of the Council Temple.



Location: To the left of the Max Lord Chase Mini Game.



Location: Next to the ship outside the right exit of the Council Temple and down the stairs.



Location: In the Armory, to the left after entering.



Location: In the Armory, up the path to the left of Artemis, all the way up to a large platform. Lo is standing next to the lava waterfall.



Location: In the cave opened up by throwing cubes at discolored sections of the rock wall, as described in the Break This Wall quest, in the Amazon Warrior Camp.



Location: To the left of the Bunker Fight Mini Game.



Location: In front and slightly to the right of the large screen in the Council Temple.



Location: Inside the Oracles Temple, to the left, next to a portal.



Location: To the right of the Bunker Fight Mini Game.



Location: At the far end of the huge beach where you complete the Play Amazon Beach Game quest.



Location: Outside, down the stairs to the right of the Obby Challenge Mini Game portal.



Location: To the right of the Food Fight Mini Game.



Location: In the Armory, up the path to the left of Artemis, all the way up to a large platform. Timandra is standing to the right.



Location: To the left of the Food Fight Mini Game.



Location: To the right of the Obby Challenge Mini Game.



Location: To the left of the Obby Challenge Mini Game.


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