Last Updated: May 04, 2021
Metaverse Champions Event Missions Week 3 image

Metaverse Champions Event Missions Week 3

Here are all of the missions for Week 3 of the Metaverse Champions Event!

April 29th, 2021

On this page you will find descriptions on how to complete all of the Metaverse Champions Event missions for Week 3, which runs from April 29th to May 7th.

Wrong week? Here are the others:

  • Week 1, April 15th through April 22nd.
  • Week 2, April 22nd to April 30th
  • Week 4, May 6th to May 14th

Updates will be added as they arrive so keep checking back!

For other information on the event, check out our Metaverse Champions Event page!

For info specifically on free items, check out our Metaverse Champions Event Items page!


AJ Striker Missions

AJ Striker Missions image

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Clicker Realms X

Objective: Complete the 5 Metaverse Quests

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Talk to A.J. Striker. He will ask you to complete a list of missions.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass on the left side of the screen to see the missions, as well as your progress on them. They are:
    • Get 100,000 Clicks
    • Get 100 Gems
    • Play for 5 Minutes
    • Hatch 10 Eggs
    • Rebirth 15 Times
  3. Start by getting 5 of the 10 eggs and hatching them because they will help you get more clicks.
  4. Head over to the area where you can purchase eggs. It will be eggs of various colors floating in incubators.
  5. Click on the Click icon at the bottom of the screen until you have 100 Clicks so you can purchase your first Common Egg.
  6. Once you've hatched your first Pet, click on the Paw icon on the left side of the screen and click on your new Pet to equip it. This Pet should help you get more clicks faster.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have equipped 5 Pets.
  8. Next you should start working on the Rebirths. Click on the Refresh icon on the left side of the screen to purchase Rebirths. You will notice it costs more each time, but it also doubles the amount of Clicks you get from each Click.
  9. At this point you have a choice: If you didn't get any Rare or Legendary Pets, you may want to test your luck for a better one that will help you get more Clicks. Eventually you will need to purchase 10 Pets anyway.
  10. Your other choice is to Click until you purchase all 15 Rebirths, which will definitely improve your Click rate.
  11. Note: You will automatically win Gems by doing Rebirths. It appears you get more if you purchase more Rebirths at a time so this is the Rebirth purchase recommendation:
      1. Purchase 1 Rebirth
      1. Purchase 1 Rebirth
      1. Purchase 3 Rebirths
      1. Purchase 10 Rebirths
  12. At this point you should have at least 3 missions fulfilled: Over 100 Gems, 15 Rebirths, and playing for 5 minutes.
  13. If you haven't already, hatch your last 5 Pets now. Be sure to equip the pets that will give you the best Click rate.
  14. Click until you reach at least 100,000 Clicks (if you're on a roll, you might as well continue to 250,000 clicks as you will need that much to complete this Mission), then go talk to A.J. Striker again.
  15. Enter the pink portal to the right to defeat Sparks Kilowatt..ur sword, the icon for which is at the bottom of the screen under the Click icon.
  16. Once you've defeated Sparks Kilwatt, you will be teleported back to A.J. Striker. He will ask you to open his Crate.
  17. Use the pink teleporter again and find A.J. Striker's Crate. If you haven't gotten 250,000 Clicks yet, you will need to do so now in order to open the Crate.
  18. Once you open the Crate you will receive your reward!


  • Some bugs have been detected in this game. If something doesn't work the way it should, you'll have to reset to a new server and try again. Don't worry; Your progress on the Quests will still be saved!

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in balls

Objective: Be the last person to break the crate that falls from the sky.

Difficulty: Hard

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Go inside the building filled with balls.
  2. Jump up the balls to make your way to the top.
  3. An icon will show you where the crate is. It will have numbers on it--That's the number left until someone gets the crate.
  4. Keep interacting with the crate as the numbers go down, making sure you're the very last one to interact with it when it reaches zero!
  5. When this happens, you will get your reward.


  • Jumping your way up to the top of the ball pile can be difficult. Be patient!
  • This game does not support private servers so you will have to fight other players for the prize.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Super Golf!

Objective: Play through 9 holes of the game Islands.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. At the beginning of the game, pick the game Islands.
  2. Once you're playing in Islands, play at least 9 holes and you'll receive your reward.


  • You don't have to win to get this mission, you just have to participate!

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Rage Table Arena

Objective: Get 10 knockouts.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Once you've entered a round of the game, note the picture of a Table at the bottom of the screen.
  2. When you click on the Table, you will throw it. If you hit someone with it, they will be knocked out.
  3. Do this 10 times and you will automatically get your reward.


  • You can play these in a VIP server and take turns with a friend knocking each other out.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Bakon

Objective: Collect the 4 Metaverse Crystals.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click on the Metaverse Event thing at the beginning.
  2. Watch the cut scene, then click on Play.
  3. In the Map Voting area, you'll be able to see where you can collect the Blue, Green, Pink, and Yellow Crystals.
  4. Play in each of those maps and make your way to each Crystal.
  5. Once you get all 4 Crystals, you'll watch another cut scene and then receive your reward.


  • There are around 3 Crystals hidden in each map so several players can get crystals in the same round.
  • You do not have to win the round after finding the crystal.
  • This will be easier if you work with other friends on a VIP Server.
  • If you're having a hard time, you can find maps of each chapter online.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Zombie Task Force

Objective: Complete the Storymode for Urban Falls and Eastbay Port.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. At the entrance of the game, click Play (Multiplayer).
  2. Then on the left side, click The Beginning.
  3. The Chapters you need to complete are Chapters 1 and 2.
  4. Start with Chapter 1 and make sure you click Story mode.
  5. Play through the story of Chapter 1, killing the zombies, etc.
  6. Do the same for Chapter 2.
  7. Each Chapter will probably take you around 10-15 minutes on Easy mode.
  8. Once you've completed both chapters in Story mode, you'll automatically get your reward.


  • You can complete the chapters at whatever difficulty you want. If you want to finish faster, just go for Easy mode.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Dread

Objective: Kill the zombie that's carrying the Mystery Box and survive the round.

Difficulty: Hard

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Once you enter the game, watch for zombies that are glowing purple (or it might look blue to you).
  2. Kill those glowing zombies to get the Mystery Box from them.
  3. If you survive the round after collecting a Myster Box, you'll automatically receive your reward.


  • This is a very difficult game to survive. Working together with friends will help a lot.
  • Use ammo sparingly!

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Bloxtopia

Objective: TBA

Difficulty: TBA

Game link

Video Guide link

Instructions: TBA


  • TBA

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Build It

Objective: Win a round in the Build Battle game mode.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. If you're not familiar with the game, go through the tutorial.
  2. Start building and try to win.
  3. Once you win, you will automatically receive the reward.


  • This will NOT work in a private server.
  • If you can work together with friends on the public server, that will help.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Build Island

Objective: Get 5 Metaverse Crates

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. On your own island, find the button at the bottom of your screen that looks like a little box with a plus sign.
  2. Click I Vent.
  3. Select the Metaverse crate and place at least 1 and up to 5 of them in your island.
  4. Then at the top of the screen click on the disk icon, select a save slot, and click Save, then click Open.
  5. Once it's saved, you can open one of your own Metacrates.
  6. Next you need to find 4 more on other peoples' islands. To do this, go to the portal on the edge of your island.
  7. Select islands that you think might have crates you can find.
  8. Once you've found 5 total Metaverse Crates, you'll receive your reward.


    • When selecting other islands, try joining ones that say Metaverse Challenge as they're most likely to have Metaverse crates.
  • A lot of people are trolling this mission. That means some people will just be trying to trick you into joining their island with no actual Crates available.
  • There are enough people giving free Crates so when you join an island, quickly look around for the crates and if it doesn't seem like anyone is finding Crates, move on to a different island.
  • This game can also be a little bit buggy, not always teleporting you when you select an island. Be patient.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Sinking Ship

Objective: Find AJ's blue chest and return it to him before the ship goes under.

Difficulty: Hard

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Locate the door that says "Bridge" above it.
  2. Head through that door so you remember where AJ Striker is, then look around for the blue chest.
  3. Once you find the blue chest, put it on your back and bring it back to AJ Striker.
  4. Once you return the blue chest you will get your reward.


  • This one is difficult because if the front of the ship sinks you will not be able to get to the Bridge where AJ Striker is waiting.

Fey Yoshida Missions

Fey Yoshida Missions image

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Tropical Resort Tycoon

Objective: Build a new special island.

Difficulty: Easy but takes awhile.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Go into the purple teleporter to access the special event island.
  2. Walk down the doc and the island will be created.
  3. Make sure you create the worker who digs up coal.
  4. Step on the pads to build up more of the island.
  5. Continue building things up, upgrading and building new things as you can afford it.
  6. Eventually you will be able to build the Champions Box. Once you build it, you'll get your reward.


  • None.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Robloxian High School

Objective: Find the 12 Nodes

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  • 1st Node: From outside the entrance to the school, head left and find the 1st node in a corner against the wall of the outside of the school next to a bush and a window.
  • 2nd Node: Enter the school and head to the right toward the Class Rooms. Take a left and find the Janitor closet. In the closet is the 2nd node.
  • 3rd Node: Leave the closet and head to the right. Continue straight toward the Gym/Pool/Weight Room and enter the Auditorium. Walk onto the stage and to the side through the curtains to enter the backstage area. Find the 3rd node in one of the changing rooms.
  • 4the Node: Leave the auditorium the way you entered and turn left, heading toward the Gymnasium. Take a right to exit the school and head to the track. Go under the bleachers to find the 4th node.
  • 5th Node: Turn back the way you came and walk in a straight line with the water to your right and the school to your left until you reach a road. Cross the road to get to the base of a big billboard where you'll find the 5th billboard.
  • 6th Node: Head down the road in toward the neighborhood (away from the water). Turn left right before getting to the area with tall buildings. Continue down that road past the city as it curves to the right. Enter the skate park on your left and go to the top of the ramp in the corner to find the 6th node.
  • 7th Node: Get back on the same road you were just on and turn right, away from the skate park. Take a right down a smaller road, toward the city. Continue straight into an alleyway and find the 7th node on the right next to some dumpsters.
  • 8th Node: Continue in the same direction you were going, then take a left on the main road, followed by a right. Head into the purple building called the "Vibe Room". Go all the way up the stairs and in a far corner of the upper level, find the 8th node.
  • 9th Node: Leave the Vibe Room and head to the left. Take a right at the Stop sign and a left into the school parking lot. continue to the right with the school on your left, through the grass, past a house with a red roof, and onto a road that will turn into a red bridge crossing the water. Cross the bridge and take an immediate left to get down onto the beach. Find the 9th node inside the little beach stand that says, "The Coconut".
  • 10th Node: Head back across the bridge and take a left on the road right before the city area. Cut through the parking lot of that has a tall sign with a read circle on it, then turn left on the road just past the sign. Turn right to cross a small bridge and had toward the Camp. Follow the roada as it curves around to the right, then take a left onto the dirt road of the camp area. Go to the small lake and walk out on the dock where you'll find the 10th node.
  • 11th Node: Head back out of the camp and turn right on the road, headed back the way you came. Instead of going back across the bridge, turn right toward the Race Track. Take another right to get into the actual race track area. Head straight to the far end of the race track and find a section where the grey part gets very narrow. There you will find the 11th node.
  • 12th Node: Teleport back to the front of the school and head away from the school into a building that says, "Bikes N' More". Inside you'll find the 12th node.
  • Click on the Metaverse icon on the left side of the screen and click Go To Booth. Then you can click Claim and get your reward.


  • There's a lot of walking involved with this mission. Things will go faster if you purchase a vehicle of some kind, which you can do by clicking the green shopping cart icon on the right side of the screen.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in This Game is Pain

Objective: Beat through Level 10

Difficulty: Hard

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Play the slide puzzles. They will get progressively bigger and more difficult.
  2. Once you complete through Level 10, you will receive your reward!


  • Take a screen shot of the original image before you start a difficult round so you can check it if you need to!
  • If you're having a hard time, try googling how to complete slide puzzles to find some strategies.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Break In Story

Objective: Graffiti 5 pieces of art onto the main house.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you enter the game, get into the bus or moving truck to get taken to the house.
  2. In front of the house, you'll see Fey Yoshida who will tell you your mission.
  3. Look at the outside of the house for outlines of pictures.
  4. Click on it to spray one color.
  5. As you spray paint, you'll see the white circle show up. You have to click the white circle to shake your spray can before you can continue.
  6. Go around the house, finding all 5 art pieces and finish spraying all of them.
  7. When you've finished all 5 graffiti art pieces, you'll see a cut scene, then automatically receive your reward.


  • None

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Promo Code Adventures

Objective: Defeat the Goblin Thieves and retrieve the stolen goods.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Talk to Fey Yoshida.
  2. Turn around in the other direction toward a green hill area. That's where the Goblins are.
  3. The Goblin Thieves spawn less often than the other types of Goblins. You will have to kill other Goblins until a Goblin Thief appears.
  4. You can recognize Goblin Thieves by their purple daggers.
  5. Do this until you collect Fey's Hat and Fey's Headphones.
  6. Once you have the items, take them back to Fey and she will give you your reward.


  • People are competing for the same items on this game. For this reason it may take awhile to get what you need.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Wizard Cats

Objective: Reach Rank 6.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find Fey Yoshida and talk to her to initiate the mission.
  2. Play through the game, battling people or bots.
  3. Each round you'll get the same amount of experience points.
  4. You'll have to play about 5 or 6 rounds to go up each level, meaning a total of around 30 rounds.
  5. Once you've reached Rank 6, go back to Fey Yoshida to claim your reward.


  • You may be able to get extra experience points for doing well in the rounds.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Traitor

Objective: Win 3 rounds.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find Fey Yoshida and talk to her.
  2. Keep playing rounds of the game until you win three times as any character.
  3. Once you have run 3 times, talk to Fey Yoshida again and she will give you your reward.


  • This will not work in VIP servers!
  • When playing as a Civillian, you'll need to do various tasks to make the timer count down faster. Those tasks include fixing computers, pulling levers, and taking objects to the electrical panel.
  • When playing as a Traitor, you have to kill the Agent and everyone else before they escape.
  • When playing as an Agent, find any Traiters (there can be more than 1) and kill them.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Ant Colony Simulator

Objective: Complete Fey Yoshida's missions.

Difficulty: Easy but it takes a long time (around 45 minutes).

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you start the game, talk to Fey Yoshida to get your first mission.
  2. Keep finding the items Fey Yoshida asks for, then going back and putting them in your ant nest.
  3. Each time you complete a mission, talk to Fey Yoshida again to get the next mission.
  4. Once you've done all of the collection missions, you have to defeat a ladybug.
  5. Once you defeat the ladybug Fey's Terror Case will appear.
  6. Carry the Terror Case back to Fey and you'll receive your reward.


  • If you have or can get ants, they can help you collect the food.
  • Getting a bigger backpack will make it so you can take less trips back and forth to your ant nest.
  • Everything you need to collect for this mission is in the first area. You do not need to go into the second area!

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Vibe NYC

Objective: Find the 20 MetaCrystals and complete the obby.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Talk to Fey Yoshida near the fireplace.
  2. The easiest way to find the crystals is to just follow along with the video linked above.
  3. Once you find all 20 Crystals, go back to Fey Yoshida and talk to her.
  4. Follow the video starting at 7:30 to find the MetaPortal.
  5. Go through the MetaPortal and complete the obby.
  6. Once you complete the obby, you'll receive your reward.


  • The Crystals are often hidden behind things and through secret doors. Look carefully!
  • There are some tricky parts of the obby that don't seem like they'll kill you but they will. Be sure to remember these parts when you die from them so you can avoid them in the future, or watch the video for a heads up.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Pacer Test

Objective: Find the treasure chest.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find Fey Yoshida and talk to her about the mission.
  2. Go through the doors next to Fey and head to the right down the long hallway.
  3. Follow the hallway as it turns left and left again.
  4. After the second left you'll see a doorway on the right side.
  5. Go in the door and make sure not to touch the lasers. Watch the video linked above starting at 1:00 to see exactly how.
  6. Once you make it to the bag, you'll find Fey's small Terror Case on a desk.
  7. Touch the case and you'll get your reward.


  • If you spend time running on treadmills in the game, you'll be able to run faster. However, this is not necessary to complete the mission.
  • Making your avatar smaller may make some parts of this mission easier.
  • There have been reports of some bugs making you randomly die for no reason. This may happen to you.
  • Some have said playing in first person will make it easier to move through the lasers.

Wren Brightblade Missions

Wren Brightblade Missions image

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Obby King Remastered

Objective: Collect the 5 Gems and complete the obby.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Start by following the orange arrows to Wren Brightblade.
  2. Wren will tell you to collect the 5 Gems.
  3. From there, turn around and find the stone pillar that has platforms sticking out of the back of it.
  4. Jump up the platforms and find the Pink Gem at the top. Get it.
  5. From there, look for the red lava area on the map and head in that direction.
  6. Once you reach the red lava area, you'll see the Red Gem. Get it.
  7. Next, turn around and head back toward town. You should come across a pond of water.
  8. Swim to the bottom of the pond and you'll find the Blue Gem. Get it.
  9. Swim back the surface and head along the river, walking between the town area and the river.
  10. You'll see a tall, stone bridge on your right. Continue in the same direction past the bridge and you will find the Green Gem on your left. Get it.
  11. Next, find the blue portal that says, "Practice Obby" above it. Enter it.
  12. Make your way through the Practice Obby by first jumping across the water on the round, brown platforms.
  13. Next, jump to the left around the set of walls.
  14. On the other side of the row of walls you'll find platforms you can jump on in order to jump to the top of the walls.
  15. Jump back across the tops of the walls to reach the cliff where the Yellow Gem is. Get it.
  16. Drop down from the cliff, jump back across the brown platforms, and head through the portal to exit the Practice Obby.
  17. Head through the center of the town area, back to where Wren Brightblade is standing.
  18. After the cut scenes, head through the teleporter.
  19. Complete the obby.
  20. Once you get to the other end of the obby, you'll go through a green door.
  21. Wren will ask you to find 3 numbers in the room.
  22. The first number is a 2 on a lower level of a shelf in the back left corner of the room from the entrance.
  23. The second number is an 8 on top of a shelf just to the right of the entrance.
  24. The last number is a 5 on the back of a box in a corner to the right of the entrance.
  25. Enter 2, 8, 5 on the panel next to Wren Brightblade, then go through the door that opens.
  26. Complete the next section of the obby.
  27. At the end of the obby you'll find Wren's Treasure Chest. Touch it to receive your reward.


  • Don't worry, there are check points in the obby!
  • Toward the end of the obby are some moving platforms. Beware that you will not move with them when standing on them--You will have to walk along with them!

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Faab's Difficulty Chart Obby

Objective: Activate the 5 crystals

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click the green button to set the marker.
  2. Make it to level 10 in the first obby.
  3. There you'll see Wren standing next to an archway thing. That's the Green Crystal.
  4. Get the Green Crystal, then teleport back to the first room.
  5. If you zoom out in the entrance area you can see the locations of the other four crystals.
  6. The Yellow and Pink Crystals are both around the outside of the white pillar area.
  7. The Red Crystal is on the other island which you can reach by swimming or walking on the dock, then going to the top of one of the ramps.
  8. The Blue Crystal is on a tiny island with a house on it. You can take one of the boats or swim/jump out to the island to collect the Crystal.
  9. Next spawn back at the entrance and go through the Green gate.
  10. Stand in the middle of the champions and you'll receive your reward.


  • None

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Limited Simulator 2

Objective: Complete Chad's quest (or don't).

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click where it says, "Play Metaverse Event" on the left side of the screen.
  2. Follow the arrow to find Chad.
  3. Chad will ask you to find 15 Gold Crowns for him.
  4. You can find the 15 gold crowns, but you don't actually have to.
  5. To save time, click at the top right where it says, "Skip Event".
  6. A window will pop up asking if you really want to skip the event. Click, "Skip Event" on that window.
  7. Once you click that, you'll receive your reward.


  • It's nice of the developers to give you this free pass to save time if you're not interested in the game. But if you ARE interested in the game, it might be fun to actually play the quest!

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Broken Ragdolls

Objective: Finish in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in Wren's Metaverse Event.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Wait in the lobby for a notification to pop up for Wren's Metaverse Event.
  2. Make your way through the obby and finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.
  3. Once you've done the above, you'll automatically receive your reward.


  • You may have to wait several minutes for the Event show up.
  • Finishing in the top 3 will be easier on a private server. However, private servers are not free for this game so if you can manage to do well on a public server, you'll save yourself some Robux!

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Journey to the Sun

Objective: Complete the obby

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Get the flame at the beginning of the obby.
  2. Work our way through the obby, always getting the flames when you see them.
  3. Watch the video linked above for specific details about the obby.
  4. Once you get to the end, you'll find Wren's Treasure Chest and will receive your reward.


  • The flames help you jump better. If you don't get them you probably won't be able to complete the obby.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in The Piggysons

Objective: Find the chest and finish the chapter.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Vote for the Chapter 1 "Champions" map.
  2. Once you're playing in the Chapter 1 map, select Player.
  3. Once you're playing Chapter 1 as a Player, walk straight from the entrance to find the Green Key on a window sill.
  4. Head upstairs to unlock the room with the Green lock.
  5. In the room with the Green lock you'll find the Red key. Get it.
  6. The door with the Red lock is downstairs.
  7. Unlock it and you'll find the Teal key. Get it.
  8. The Teal lock is upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Unlock it and find the Wrench. Get it.
  9. Go downstairs and into the room where you found the Teal key.
  10. Switch the Wrench out for the Hammer and use it on the door nearby with the boards across it.
  11. Now go switch back to the Wrench to use it on the panel next to the door, turning it Green.
  12. Grab the hammer again and use it to open the back door of the house.
  13. Go upstairs and find a Plank in one of the bedrooms.
  14. Take the Plank outside into the back yard and put it next to the sign with a picture of a Plank.
  15. The Plank will turn into a ramp up to the treehouse. Don't go in it yet.
  16. In the sandbox, find the Gold key. Get it.
  17. Go inside and upstairs to find the Gold lock. Unlock it and find the Orange key.
  18. Go downstairs and make a U-turn down the hall to find the Orange lock. Unlock it and find the Pink key.
  19. Go back upstirs and unlock the Pink lock. Go through the door and find the Black key.
  20. Go back outside to the treehouse and unlock the door.
  21. Inside the treehouse, grab Wren's Treasure Chest and the Grey key.
  22. Go back inside and unlock the front door to win the game.
  23. Once you escape out the front door while carrying the Treasure Chest, you will automatically get your reward.


  • If you play with a friend on a VIP server, you can cooperate so that you can complete the mission without worrying about getting killed.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Welcome to Farmtown

Objective: Have your dog dig up a Treasure Chest.

Difficulty: Medium but takes some time.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Complete the tutorial, which takes a little bit of time. If you need help with the tutorial, watch the video linked above.
  2. Go to the mailbox and grab all of the dog things out of it.
  3. Once you've built the floor of your house, put down the dog bed in there.
  4. Next click on the Dog Order in your inventory and hit the dog bed with it. This will turn into a dog.
  5. Put the dog bowl down nearby.
  6. Put food in the dog bowl.
  7. Pet the dog.
  8. Once your dog is pretty happy, click on the dog and have it start following you.
  9. Walk around the ranch with the dog following you until the dog starts digging.
  10. Once the dog digs up the Treasure Chest, click on it and it will go into your inventory.
  11. Be sure to go into your inventory and click on the Treasure Chest so that you receive your rewards.


  • Sometimes if you just stand around for awhile the dog will find and dig up the Treasure Chest on its own.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Undead Defense Tycoon

Objective: Collect 100 eggs from Egg Zombies.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. Head out into the forest and hunt Egg Zombies.
  2. Once you've collected 100 eggs you'll automatically receive your reward.


  • Pay attention to the color of the Egg Zombies because you will get a different number of eggs from the different colors. The purple Egg Zombies are the best and will give you 15 eggs.
  • If you get killed, you'll just respawn with the same number of eggs.
  • Remember that you can run. However, running to avoid zombies doesn't work as well as simply killing them.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Monsters of Etheria

Objective: Find 5 Eggtherions.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. At the start of the game, click RP and click Join.
  2. Once you join the server, click Explore.
  3. You'll see a man standing by one of Wren's Treasure Chests who will ask you to find 5 Eggtherions.
  4. The Eggtherions are different colored eggs that spawn randomly in different locations.
  5. Go to the desert area and look for a tornado. If you don't see one, keep looking and eventually a tornado will show up.
  6. Once you find a tornado, climb to the top to get inside and collect the Yellow egg inside.
  7. From the desert, go up some light colored steps until you find a green garden area where you'll find the Purple egg.
  8. Nearby there are trees and in one of the trees you'll see the Green egg.
  9. In the pumpkin patch area near the main town you'll find the Red egg, but this potentially only spawns during daylight hours.
  10. Go to the snow area and walk around until you find the Blue egg.
  11. Once you've got all 5 eggs, go back to the man by Wren's Treasure Chest, talk to him again, and you'll get your reward.


  • You may have to wait up to 10-15 minutes for some of the eggs to spawn. Be patient!

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Ro-Planes 3

Objective: Find the waterfall island and hit the crystals in the right order.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. Stand on a green spot to spawn a plane.
  2. Take off and look at the instructions on the screen to figure out the controls.
  3. Look at the horizon and find a green dot. Fly toward that dot.
  4. When you reach the island, make sure your landing gear is out so you can land successfully.
  5. Once you land, look for some yellow flags to the right of the landing area.
  6. Follow the yellow lines up a hill into a forest area.
  7. Zoom out and get an overhead view so you can see the whole forest.
  8. Notice little camping areas in the forest. Each of those areas has a different colored Crystal.
  9. To the left of the entrance of the forest is the Yellow Crystal. Get that first.
  10. Next head to the right of the entrance and get the Red Crystal.
  11. Continue in the same direction to the right and get the Purple/Pink Crystal.
  12. Cross the river and head to the top left side of the forest to get the Blue Crystal.
  13. Then head to the right side and get the Green Crystal.
  14. Once you successfully touch the crystals in the correct order, a door in the waterfall will open up.
  15. Head through the waterfall door, go down the hall, and touch the chest to receive your reward.


  • It will take a long time to fly to the island. Be patient! If you know what plane is the fastest, you could choose that to speed things up.

Sparks Kilowatt Missions

Sparks Kilowatt Missions image

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Egg Hunt 2021: Enchanted Eggos

Objective: Help Sparks Kilowatt stabilize the Metaverse portal hidden deep within the Hat Co. Bunker.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you first enter the game, it will ask you whether you want to help Sparks Kilwatt. Click, "Sure!".
  2. You will immediately be teleported to an area called Cat Cove Bunker. Make your way through the obby which will take about 15 minutes.
  3. Make sure to turn on the sound as there will be a voice that helps and tells you what to do.
  4. Continue through the area by following the directions of the voice.
  5. At the end of the obby you'll be gathering 4 AIs in order to open the portal.
  6. You will be teleported to a pink lego platform. Follow it to the end and find Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package.
  7. Be sure to listen to the end of the story until you see an icon on your screen letting you know you received your reward.


  • Watch out for many obstacles in the obby including air, boxes, and lasers!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in BIGFOOT!

Objective: Deal 300 damage to Bigfoot, or kill 5 people as Bigfoot.


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  1. If you're Bigfoot, try to kill as many people as you can.
  2. The game keeps track across different rounds so if you play several rounds as Bigfoot you may be able to work up to killing 5 players.
  3. If you're a Hunter, keep an eye on Bigfoot with the tracking device and try to deal as much damage as you can.
  4. Bigfoot does not have 300 energy, which means you'll have to play at least 2 rounds as a Hunter in order to have a chance of dealing over 300 damage.
  5. Once you either deal 300 damage to Bigfoot or kill 5 players as Bigfoot, you'll receive your reward.


  • As a hunter, working together with other players may help. However, if you're working with too many others you will be less likely to be able to deal enough damage!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Banana Eats

Objective: Collect 7 Shards.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Talk to Sparks Kilowatt to begin the mission.
  2. Play the game. If you're the Banana, you will not be able to complete the mission.
  3. When not playing as the banana, run around looking for the purple bananas around the screen. These are the Shards.
  4. Lots of the Shards are spread around all of the maps.
  5. Once you've collected all 7 Shards, go back to where Sparks Kilowatt is in the lobby.
  6. Get the Secret Package next to Sparks Kilowatt to collect your reward.


  • Cooperating with friends will help as they could be the Banana and not kill you.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Arcade Island 2: Roblox Arcade

Objective: Collect 1000 tickets in one play session.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find Sparks Kilowatt and find out what's going on.
  2. Behind her there's a big wheel game that costs 7 chips to play.
  3. Spin the wheel until you win 1,000 tickets.
  4. You can, of course, play other games, but the big wheel will give you the most tickets.
  5. Once you've won 1,000 Tickets, you'll automatically get your reward.


  • If you're not very lucky, it could take you around 15 minutes of spinning the wheel. Just be patient!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Tower Heroes

Objective: Complete the Metaverse Champions challenge.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

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  1. Play like a normal tower defense game. Put down soldiers at the front first to fight off the enemies.
  2. As you get more money, buy more soldiers and upgrade the ones you already have.
  3. The 25th wave is just a boss wave.
  4. Once you complete all 25 waves you'll automatically receive your reward.


  • Some soldiers you can only use a certain number of times so be careful where you place them.
  • During the boss wave, delete any soldiers the boss has already passed so you can add and upgrade more in places the boss hasn't passed yet.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Elevator of Terror 2

Objective: Find the keys, then find the Secret Package.

Difficulty: Medium

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Video Guide link


  1. You will need to play the Jeff the Killer and Chuckie maps. Wait until one of them appears.
  2. In the Chuckie map, go straight forward and find a key in the back corner.
  3. In Jeff the Killer, the key is on top of the shelf in the corner.
  4. Go back to the main lobby area and talk to Sparks Kilowatt to give her the keys.
  5. To open the secret door, enter this code in the chat: "arriba abajo abajo izquierda derecha izquierda derecha"
  6. Once you type the password, the secret door will open and you'll see Sparks Kilowatt standing next to the Secret Package.
  7. Go up to the Secret Package to retrieve your reward.


  • Follow where the other people are going to locate the keys. There will probably be people swarming in the key locations.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in SlipBlox 2

Objective: Find the 5 pieces of Armor on the Great Forest challenge.

Difficulty: TBA

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Jump across the log bridge and talk to Sparks Kilowatt to learn about the mission.
  2. Head into the forest to Sparks' right and find the first piece of armor in the back corner on the right.
  3. Then head to some floating brown platforms. Jump on them and find the second piece of armor.
  4. Continue jumping up those pieces of armor and across a log.
  5. Inside a hollowed tree trunk is the third armor piece.
  6. From there, jump up a staircase and find the 4th piece right before the moving blue things.
  7. Cross the logs and find the 5th armor piece on the top log.
  8. Talk to Sparks Kilowatt again and she will thank you.
  9. Go back to the main lobby and you'll see the Secret Package. Interact with it to claim your reward.


  • There may be some glitches and makes it so it doesn't seem like you got the armor when you did. You may need to reset your server.
  • For 20 Robux you can purchase the Great Forest Challenge so you can keep playing it after the time runs out.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Egg Simulator

Objective: Complete the 10 event quests to collect 10 keys.

Difficulty: Easy but takes a long time (around 45 minutes or more).

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  1. When you enter the game, you'll see a little icon of Sparks Kilowatt that says, "Sparks Quest". If you click on it you'll see a list of the 1- even quests, along with your progress on them.
  2. Walk around and collect the various things you need to collect for the quests.
  3. Various pets will help you multiply some of the items.
  4. Once your bag is full, return to the shop and sell eggs.
  5. Use coins to do Rebirths, using the icon on the right side of the screen.
  6. To open eggs, go to the shop and open the Event egg. Once you have enough coins you can do this 10 times to fulfill that part of the mission.
  7. Once you've completed part of the mission, you can claim it by clicking the Sparks Quest icon, finding the mission, and clicking Claim.
  8. Once you've claimed all of the missions, you will receive your reward.


  • In the shop you can purchase larger containers so it won't get full so often.
  • There are a lot of game codes for this one. Most of them are to get pets, which may help you by multiplying the items you find. Find game codes here.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Rage Runner

Objective: Make it to the end of a run before the time runs out..

Difficulty: Hard

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  1. Make it to the end before the time runs out.
  2. When you get to the end you will automatically receive your badge.


  • There are no checkpoints unless you purchase them at the shop.
  • Although you need to be fast, sometimes it may be a good idea to pause and make sure you know what you're doing.
  • This may be easier on a private server because once someone reaches the end, the timer goes down twice as fast.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Azure Mines

Objective: Find a rare Amethyst or 4 Ruby ores.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. Complete the initial game tutorial.
  2. From the starting room, go into the blue cube called "Teleporter Array Level 1".
  3. Walk straight across the bridge to the main mining area.
  4. Find Sparks Kilowatt in the back corner. She will inform you of the mission.
  5. Dig in the mining area until you find either 1 purple Amethyst or 4 red Rubies.
  6. If your inventory fills up before you find what you need, follow the instructions in the bottom left of the screen to resurface.
  7. Walk to your main base in the starting room and empty all of your inventory except for any Rubies you may have found.
  8. Once you have 5 Rubies or 1 Amethyst, go back to the surface, and talk to Sparks again.
  9. Once you click Redeem, you will receive your reward.


  • Digging to at least 65 meters below the surface is where you're most likely to find more rubies.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Invisible Beast

Objective: Kill the Beast to collect the Secret Package.

Difficulty: Hard

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  1. Go up to Sparks Kilowatt to see the mission.
  2. Enter one of the portals near her.
  3. Find the switch that says, "Activate if you don't want to be the Beast".
  4. Activate that switch, turning it green.
  5. Then join any game and hunt the Beast.


  • Whoever grabs the Secret Package first gets it, no matter who killed the Beast.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Fairytale Life

Objective: Get a grade C or higher in 3 classes.

Difficulty: Medium but talks awhile.

Game link

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  1. At the beginning, choose to be a Student.
  2. Listen to Princess Freya talk for a long time, then talk to Sparks Kilowatt.
  3. Go to Fashion class.
  4. At Fashion class, find items that match the theme. You can also type the theme in the search bar at the top.
  5. To be kind, vote 5 stars for everyone. Then everyone gets a good grade!
  6. Next, go to Lunch/Recess and wait until 2pm.
  7. Next, teleport to Art class.
  8. Try to quickly recreate the same image on the board to get a good grade.
  9. Next go to Math class.
  10. Complete the math problems and submit them before the time runs out to get a good grade.
  11. Once you've passed 3 classes, wait for it to close out and you will receive your reward.


  • None.
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